Modern Pig Maintenance System

Pigs are monogastric and prolific (many children per birth), the growth is fast and in the six months it is marketable. In addition, pigs are one of the meat-producing livestock whose development is very impressive and has many advantages compared to other animals and pigs efficiently in converting various agricultural and restaurant remnants into meat therefore requires feeds that have high protein, energy, minerals and vitamins . The life span of pigs ranges from 20 to 25 years, with a long production of 3 to 4 years.

In order for this business can provide optimal benefits for the owner, it should be noted several things that concern Management of pig farming. Through the observation and research long enough in human life, it turns out that pigs are eligible animals can quickly breed and can produce more than adequate meat if managed well based on the management of established farms, in accordance with the development of livestock science results of experience and research has been running for thousands of years. The superiority of pigs as a cattle slaughter for the provision of human pig meat has been recognized worldwide.

Pigs have long been known, but the knowledge of true and productive …

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Heat of Summer Brings Out the Bugs

The Heat of Summer Brings Out the Bugs

The two things that bugs love are an unlimited source for food and warm weather. As you probably know insects are cold blooded. Their body temperature is regulated by the weather. If it is warm outside, they are warm. When the weather is cold, their body temperature drops, and they are not as active. That is why the summer brings out all kinds of bugs from flies to fleas, mosquitoes, and ticks.

What Can You Do to Battle Pesky Insects?

There are a number of ways to enjoy all the summer activities without battling insects. Clothing can help. Depending on what activity you are doing, wearing clothing that covers the skin can be beneficial. If you are hiking or gardening, long-sleeve shirts can prevent pesky insects from biting. Remember to tuck shirts in, and stay away from the bold patterns mosquitoes like. Light colors are better.

Bug Repellents

Bug repellents are another way of fighting insects. Most contain DEET as the active ingredient, and overuse of these products can cause adverse reactions. Many people choose natural repellents when trying to prevent attacks by ticks and mosquitoes in particular. Both can carry diseases such as Lyme Disease and the West Nile …

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