Can I Wash My Dog If He’s on Frontline Or K9 Advantix?
You’ve just given Rex his monthly flea and tick treatment, and now he’s come in from the garden looking like he’s found the biggest and best mud pool in town. He may be overjoyed but you’re not. He needs a bath NOW! But will a bath wash away his flea treatment?
It’s a common question and given the expense of monthly applications of Frontline or Advantage, you don’t want to apply any more than is necessary. So what should you do?
In line with the manufacturers’ directions, you must wait for 48 hours right after applying Frontline or Advantage ahead of bathing your dog. The main ingredient in Frontline, fipronil, stores itself in the dog’s oil glands, reapplying itself constantly through the hair follicles. Meanwhile, Advantage’s main ingredient is imidacloprid, which coats the skin.
Although both claim to be waterproof, some dog owners have found that the treatments do seem to be less effective after bathing. Regular washing with medicated or flea shampoos can dry the skin, making flea treatments weaker and less likely to work. There’s also the problem that many commercial flea shampoos contain harsh chemicals. Do you want to apply those on top of the regular monthly …
Can I Wash My Dog If He’s on Frontline Or K9 Advantix? Read More