Proper Puppy Training Techniques
As a puppy owner, you want to teach your puppy basic commands such as “sit,” “stay” and “down.” With proper training techniques, your dog will learn quickly. Here’s how:
Puppy training is not as difficult as it seems. With proper puppy training techniques, your puppy can learn basic commands in no time at all.
Puppy training is not as difficult as it seems. With proper puppy training techniques, your puppy can learn basic commands in no time at all. You don’t have to be a professional trainer to do this; anyone can use these easy steps to train their puppies.
- Select a time when you won’t be disturbed by family members or friends who might want attention from the puppy (or vice versa). This will help keep everyone calm and focused on the task at hand–and less likely to get upset or distracted if something goes wrong during the training process!
- Get down on all fours so that your body language is more like theirs (this makes them feel more comfortable with you). Make sure they see that they don’t need fear any threats coming from above them while also showing them what position works best when teaching new tricks/commands