What Animals Not To Pet Sit
One of the situations that you must avoid is sitting for a dog that is kept tethered because this may cause circumstances that you might not be able to handle. Tethered dogs tend to be much less social than dogs that are allowed to interact with people and other pets.
Years ago a friend of mine had a dog that changed overnight from a little guard dog to a cruel madman. Nobody can understand why the dog underwent a radical change. He can’t find a pet sitter if he tries because his dog is out of control. The owner himself could not understand the erratic behavior and finally had to take him to the vet for examination.
While going through the dog’s medical history, the veterinarian discovered that the dog was due for its shots. But what could have brought this behavior on? Was it due to a thyroid malfunction? What could have caused such change? Could it have been brought on by some other medication? Upon doing research the veterinarian discovered that this could have been caused by any number of things such as, anxiety, irritability, and hyperactivity. He just could not figure out what was causing this behavior. …
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