Cats and their need for enrichment
Cats are smart and curious animals that need mental stimulation just like dogs do. In this article, we will explore some ways you can enrich your cat’s environment to ensure they stay happy and healthy!
You may have heard about cat playpens and puzzle feeders, but there are many ways to enrich your cat’s environment.
You may have heard about cat playpens and puzzle feeders, but there are many ways to enrich your cat’s environment. A playpen is not just for kittens; any cat can enjoy the benefits of having their own space to explore and relax in. The same goes for puzzle feeders: if you have an adult cat who eats more than one meal per day, then this type of toy will be particularly beneficial to him or her!
Cats are very creative creatures and will find ways to get into trouble in your home if they don’t get enough exercise or stimulation. You may think that your feline friend doesn’t need much attention because he spends most of his time sleeping on his favorite chair at home…but this isn’t true! It’s important that we give our pets plenty of opportunities throughout every day so they don’t become …
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