The Legal Problems With Pet Alligators
If you’re looking for an exotic pet, the alligator is a great choice. They’re very social animals and can be taught to do tricks. However, owning an alligator isn’t as easy as it might seem. In fact, keeping alligators as pets is illegal in most states. That’s because they can grow very large (up to 14 feet long) and have sharp teeth that can cause serious injuries if they bite or scratch someone who feeds them or handles them improperly. If you have questions about owning an alligator or other dangerous animal, please feel free to contact me by calling 555-555-1234 or emailing me at [email protected] .
Alligators are classified as “prohibited” animals, so they can’t be kept in Wisconsin.
Alligators are classified as “prohibited” animals, so they can’t be kept in Wisconsin.
People who keep alligators are subject to prosecution for violating state law. A person who keeps an alligator in Wisconsin could be charged with a crime and fined up to $10,000 per animal.
The laws of most states say that alligators should be illegal to keep as pets.
You might be surprised to learn that the laws of most states say that alligators should be illegal …
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