Dog Education in the Kitchen
Anyone who owns a large dog knows what counter surfing is. For all those of you who never: it is actually when the dog puts his paws around the kitchen counter in search of something appealing. Until you have got seasoned this canine phenomenon you might have no concept how far a dog can extend his otherwise stubby neck when a hugely valued item is just some more inches away.
I look at myself as a professional on the topic like a dog trainer and dog owner I have, over the years, personally lost: baked goods, tissues, medication, a bologna sandwich, and on one particular occasion the contents of a whole dinner plate within this manner. It can be humorous, but this habit is undoubtedly unsafe. Before I talk about what it is possible to do I’ll clarify why it is best to do anything quickly. I could go on and on about how embarrassing it is when you have enterprise over for dinner and also the dog runs off with all the roast, or how difficult it is to clean gravy out of tile grout. But very first and foremost, the reason should be to preserve each of your …
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