Organic Dog Food and Making the Right Choice
So what’s the deal with Organic dog food?
As you know, dog food is available in a wide variety of colours, sizes, flavors, and shapes. The real distinction is obviously the ingredients contained in the products. You may be surprised to know that the ingredient list on Dog food labels reads very much like human junk food. Some ingredients are even difficult to pronounce and are borrowed from medical encyclopedias. Then of course there are dog foods that are teeming with artificial ingredients, additives, and preservatives that can be harmful to pets. So just what is “Spot” to do when it comes to healthy eating?
Many pet owners are discovering organic dog foods to feed their pets. Just as we humans are conscious of what we put into our bodies, these pet owners take that same consciousness and use it to make wiser decisions about not including chemicals in their dogs’ diets. Organic dog treats are the next best thing to all natural dog food, as they are free of the pesticides and insecticides that are present in many foods.
Be aware of food labels however, as they can be very confusing. Natural dog food is not the same as …
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