Pros and Cons of a Modern Cat Tree
Cats love to play around and if you have one, they will spend more of their time on it. This is where a modern cat tree can help you. It gives them a place to play while giving you the space you need to do what you want with your home. There are many types of trees and you can choose one that suits your lifestyle better.
Wooden cat tower:
The best wood for modern home decor. It offers a platform for the cat. It has a center post that has several platforms. It also adds a little height so you don’t have to worry about your cat jumping off. Some even have slides to use at the top or a scratching pad to climb up.
Many people choose condo modern cat trees because they are easier to move than wooden ones. They are usually made from metal, which is easy to clean and assemble. Metal is durable so it will last years. However, you may have to do some metalwork yourself to the joints. A condo may be a better choice for a feline if it doesn’t have a rail or a steps system to get them off …
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