Best High-Tech Dog Toys

Best High-Tech Dog Toys

There’s no doubt that dogs are smart. In fact, they’re probably smarter than most of us. Just ask a dog owner who has had to chase their dog around the house because they wouldn’t stop barking at them. But while we love our furry friends and all of their antics, it can be hard to keep them entertained during the long hours when we’re away from home or busy with work or errands. That’s where these high-tech toys come in handy! They keep your pet occupied for hours—but not always in a good way. If you have a puppy or an older dog who can’t chew through walls, consider using one of these instead:

Fetchr is a flying disc that uses your phone as a remote control.

Fetchr is a flying disc that uses your phone as a remote control. It’s like a drone, but for dogs: you can use it to play fetch with your dog from up to 100 feet away.

Fetchr works by connecting to an app on your smartphone, which lets you see what the camera sees and operate the drone from there. The app also has an “auto-follow” function that will keep Fetchr focused on its owner or another person who is holding out their arms in front of them (like when playing fetch).

Petcube is a pet camera that lets you keep an eye on your pet from your phone.

If you’re going to be away from home for a while and want to keep an eye on your pet, Petcube is one of the best high-tech dog toys out there. This device allows you to watch, talk and play with your furry friend from anywhere in the world using a smartphone app.

You can see what your dog is doing at any given moment by using their camera system, which includes two-way audio so that you can talk through it as well as take photos or record video of them playing around at home while they’re alone (or maybe even if they’re not). It’s also compatible with Amazon Alexa so that she’ll tell you when someone’s at the door–or maybe even alerting her master if someone tries breaking into the house!

The NaviGroomer is a massager for dogs that gives them a soothing massage whenever they need it.

As a dog owner, you know that your furry friend can be a bit nervous and stressed out. Dogs are very intelligent creatures who feel things deeply, so when they’re anxious or scared, it can be hard for them to relax and enjoy the time they spend with you.

Massaging your dog is one way to help him feel better about being around people and other animals. Massages are also good for helping relieve arthritis pain in older dogs who may have joint problems or stiffness from lying down all day long (which is something most puppies do). Massaging helps stimulate blood flow through their bodies so that oxygen reaches all parts of their muscles more easily–this helps them stay strong while also making them more flexible! Plus massaging makes it easier for owners like yourself to check on how well hydrated their fur balls are since we already know how much water should come out when we wet our hands first before patting down each body part gently but firmly enough so as not too disturb either one’s natural oils which would otherwise cause irritation over time if left untreated…

iFetch is a ball launcher that keeps your dog from getting bored while you’re away.

The iFetch is a ball launcher that keeps your dog from getting bored while you’re away. It’s a great way to keep your dog entertained while you’re away, but it also has other uses. If you have a small apartment and don’t want to give up the space for an enormous toy chest, this is perfect for storing all of your toys in one place. It can hold up to six balls at once and launches them out at varying speeds based on how far down on the launch pad you press down on the button (the faster speed will result in more distance). The only downside is that if your dog really loves playing with their new toy, they might end up chewing off some pieces of plastic here or there–but as long as they don’t eat any batteries or electronics inside it should be fine!

The Petcube Bites Treat Cam takes the boredom out of giving your dog treats.

The Petcube Bites Treat Cam takes the boredom out of giving your dog treats. It’s an interactive treat dispenser that allows you to see what your dog is doing with their nose, mouth and paws in real time, from anywhere in the world. You can also use it to keep an eye on your pup when you are away from home.

The camera works with both Android and iOS devices so if you have a smartphone or tablet then this product will be perfect for you!

The Pawbo is a smart toy that connects to Amazon Alexa so your dog can talk to you through its speaker.

The Pawbo is a smart toy that connects to Amazon Alexa so your dog can talk to you through its speaker. It’s like a personal assistant for your dog, and you can ask it questions like “What are the top 10 toys?” or “How much do I weigh?”

When Pawbo answers, his voice is actually recorded by a real human–a professional actor named David Spade who played Dennis Finch on the sitcom Just Shoot Me! The makers of Pawbo chose Spade because they wanted an authentic-sounding voice that would be believable as coming from an animal (and also because they’re fans).

There are all kinds of high-tech things out there for dogs these days!

There are all kinds of high-tech things out there for dogs these days! There are dog vests with GPS trackers, and collars that can be set to vibrate when your dog gets too close to the edge of a pool or pond. There are even toys that dispense treats automatically when your pup plays with them.

There’s no denying that technology has made our lives better–and it can do the same for our furry friends as well. If you’re looking for ways to keep your pooch entertained without having him chew up everything in sight, or if you just want something fun and interesting for him/her to play with every once in awhile, here are some great options:

These are just a few of the high-tech dog toys that are available. If you’re looking for something fun and unique, check out our list above!